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مجموعة هيالورون بوست

مجموعة هيالورون بوست

Regular price Dhs. 120.00 AED
Regular price Dhs. 140.00 AED Sale price Dhs. 120.00 AED
14% OFF نفذت الكمية

مجموعة الشامبو والبلسم الطبيعي هيالورون بوست للعناية بالشعر الرقيق و الناعم، تركيبة مركزة بقوة الهيالورونيك أسيد للحفاظ على صحة شعرك وترطيبه وتحديد تموجاته الطبيعية

: تتكون المجموعة من 
شامبو هيالورون بوست الطبيعي

بلسم هيالورون بوست الطبيعي


طريقة الأستخدام

الخطوة 1: يرج جيدا قبل الإستعمال ضعي الشامبو علي الشعر المبلل ودلكيه علي فروة الرأس ثم اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر. كرري الخطوات عند الحاجة.

الخطوة 2: بعد استخدام الشامبو دلكي البلسم على أطراف الشعر و اتركيه علي الشعر 2-3 دقائق ثم اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر.


يحفظ في مكان جاف و بارد في درجة حرارة لاتزيد عن 25 درجة مئوية بعيد عن الضوء. أوقفي استخدامه في حالة وجود أي حكه في البشرة

الشحن والاستبدال

Orders are shipped within 3-5 Business Days and may take up to 7 Business Days days to be delivered

Returns & Refunds possible within 7 days. Items must be sealed, unused, and in the same condition as received to be eligible for a return of refund.

تفاصيل المنتج

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Nada Abdelhafez

I tried this set and I’d really thank you for producing such an effective one😍😍😍Keep going 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻♥️♥️

Marwa N
Most Amazing Shampoo Ever!

I'd like to thank you for the best hair products I've ever tried! The Hyaluron boost set is beyond awesome. My hair is very oily and very fine and I have to wash it every two days, needless to say how fast it loses its volume on the same day I wash it. Of course I couldn't use any conditioner because it'd not have any volume from the first moment. The Hyaluron boost set finally solved my problem, it's not making my hair too greasy and it kept its volume for more than 3 days!! I am impressed with the shampoo, the conditioner, and the mousse. My curls remained defined even though they're wide, and given that my hair is oily and has never kept its curls. Now I walk around very satisfied and happy with my hair😍 People may think I'm writing to advertise but I meant every word of my review and I recommended it already along with your Grow my brow serum and Strong and Long serum. You've earned my trust and you just gained a loyal customer ❤️❤️❤️